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Sunday, May 27, 2007 

Melted Cheese Part 2

Anytime the Vikings beat the Green Bay Packers there's cause for celebration. Even though the Vikings looked awful for half the game they still looked much better then their arch rival Green Bay Packers.

The Vikings finally scored an offensive touchdown after over 138 minutes of game time.The Monday Night Footbal crew of John Madden and Al Michaels jumped on the Vikings bandwagon and started complimenting the play of Brad Johnson.

No offense to Johnson but his play has only been adequate.I guess you could say that Johnson is not making stupid mistakes like throwing many interceptions but he's not going out and throwing touchdowns either.Throwing two touchdown passes in his three starts is not good at all.

The defense has played much better in the last two games. They're not only making interceptions but they're scoring touchdowns off those interceptions.

While some might say that the Vikings only beat a team coming into the game with a 2-8 record, they beat the Packers at Lambaugh, on the road, on grass and on the road.The Vikings should be happy with the result but needs to correct the mistakes that they're still making.

It was really awesome to see the Lambaugh crowd in such sad spirits. The cocky bunch got what they deserved. I think that they're some of the most obnoxious fans in the NFL.

One Green Bay fan had a sign that showed purple Turkeys in reference to the Vikings and their fans. The problem is that the fan spelled Turkeys as Turkies.This illiterate person should spend more time in the classroom and less time at the bar...just kidding.

Brett Favre looked like melted Wisconsin cheese, once again. He didn't look like the so called future Hall of Famer. He looked like an amateur.Favre has done some great things on the football field in the past but he's also had some awful games as well.Favre currently leads the NFL with 17 interceptions.

The Vikings swept the season series this year, leaving cheeseheads to ponder what went wrong this year. The Vikings have won their last two games at Lambaugh and the stadium is starting to feel like the Vikings home away from home.The way the Vikings won both their games against Green Bay was amazing.They won both games on last minute field goals by Paul "I can't kick a 30 yard filed goal but I sure can kick a 40 yard game winner" Edinger.

I guess the bright spot for the Packers is that they're almost guaranteed a good draft pick.

is that they're almost guaranteed a good draft pick.

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